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Academic staff at the Akdeniz university with research focus on elderly care and home care services. Within the Elderly Care Program of Akdeniz University, he had worked to pioneer the scope of curriculum development in Turkey. For instance, the Elderly Care Program actively participated in “Technical Assistance fImproving the Quality of Vocational Education and Training in Turkey” during the period 2012-2014. A saresul to fthishe was selected as the Erasmus Staff Ambassador of Turkey in 2011 by the European Commission. The main reason he was selected in this roles the Erasmus Project completed in 2007 by Dr.Mustafa Çobanonbeha of theSociety of Elderly Care Technicians and Elderly Care Program of Akdeniz University.

With this project, the curriculum of the elderly care education was changed and the revised curriculum has been used as a basis for other elderly care programs in Turkey. addition to this, the positive outcomes of that project led to the improvement of the reputation of this field of study. Moreover, he participated in meetings organized the Europe an Center for the Development of Vocation al Training (CEDEFOP).

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